Grade 6, Maths Olympiad (CBSE) - Fractions 

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Grade 6  |   Maths  |   Fractions, Fractions, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Fraction:  A part of a whole is called fraction.It is denoted in the form of  Numerator/Denominator.

Types of Fraction:

a)Proper Fraction:  When numerator is less than denominator that fraction is called as proper fraction.

Example: 4/11,7/8,19/25 etc.

b)Improper Fraction: When numerator is greater than denominator that fraction is known as improper fraction.

Example:5/3,9/7,67/64 etc.

c)Like Fraction:  When given fraction having same denominator that fraction is known as like fraction.

Example: 1/25,9/25,8/25,19/25

c)Unlike Fraction: When given fraction having different denominator that fraction is known as unlike fraction.

Example: 7/12,8/19,6/23

d)Unit Fraction:  When given fraction having 1 as a numerator that fraction is known as unit fraction.


e)Mixed Fraction: when fraction is a combination of a whole number and a proper fraction that fraction is known as mixed fraction.

Example: 6 5/9, 7 8/4

Equivalent Fraction: When given fraction give the same value even numerator and denominator is different that fraction is known as equivalent fraction.

Example: 2/10,3/15,4/120,5/25

Fraction in its lowest Terms:

A fraction is said to be in its lowest terms,if the HCF of numerator and denominator is 1.

Addition and Subtraction of Fraction:

i)To add or subtract like fraction,add or subtract the numerator keeping the denominator the same.

ii)To add or subtract unlike fraction,change the unlike fraction to like fraction.Then add or subtract as like fraction.

iii)To add or subtract mixed fractions,change the mixed fractions to improper fractions and then to like fractions.Then add or subtract as like fractions.

Reciprocal of a Number: Two numbers are called reciprocal of one another if their product is 1.

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