Grade 1, English Olympiad (CBSE) - Pronouns 

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Grade 1  |   English  |   Pronouns, Pronouns, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Pronouns are the words which are used in place of the noun. E.g. It, she, I, me, they, yourself, this, who etc.

Types of Pronouns:

Singular Pronouns:
He- Is used for a boy or a man.
Eg. Mr. Ashish Sharma is my father. He loves me a lot.
She- Is used for a girl or a woman.
Eg. Miss Sasha is my English teacher. She is very kind.
It- Is used for a bird, an animal, a place or a thing.
Eg. I have a parrot. It likes to eat guava.
My friend's dog is Donnie. It is very playful.
I live in Mussoorie. It is regarded as the queen of hills.
My friend has a doll. It is very cute.

Plural Pronouns:
We- Is used when I, me or our is addressed along with other people.
Eg. Shona and I are going for shopping. We will buy sweets for Diwali with other things.
They- Is used when we are talking about others.
Eg. Rashi, Chinu and Gauri are playing in the garden. They are enjoying themselves.
You- Is used when we are pointing towards a person or two or more persons.
Eg. You are my best friend Shakshi. (Singular pronoun)
Disha and Rahul mom is calling both of you for dinner. (Plural pronoun)

Note: You is used as singular pronoun as well as plural pronoun in both the ways.

Other types of pronouns:

Personal pronouns: A pronoun that refers to a particular person, thing or a group. E.g. he, she, you, I, they, them, him etc.

Possessive pronouns: A pronoun which is used to denote possession or belonging. E.g. his, her, mine, my etc.

Reflexive pronouns: Reflexive pronouns are used when subject and object of the sentence are same. E.g. himself, myself, yourself, ourselves, themselves etc.

Demonstrative pronouns: Pronouns which are used to pointing or referring to specific things in the sentence. E.g. this, that, those, these etc.

Interrogative pronouns: Pronouns which are used to ask questions are called interrogative pronouns. There are five interrogative pronouns - what, which, who, whom, whose. 

Imp. concept: When to use who and whom? 

Who is used as subject and whom is used as an object.
The simple rule is if you can replace the word in the sentence with he or she use who and if you can replace it with him or her use whom.


Wrong: With who are you going to the party?
Correct: With whom are you going to the party?

Wrong: To who should I deliver the parcel?
Correct: To whom should I deliver the parcel?

Wrong: Who do you play with?
Correct: Whom do you play with? 


3 types of persons:

First-person: Person who is speaking or making a statement. E.g. I, We

Second-person: Person who is listening. E.g. You

Third-person: Person who is referred to in the talks. E.g. he, she, they etc.

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