Grade 4, Maths Olympiad (CBSE) - Addition 

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Grade 4  |   Maths  |   Addition, Addition and Subtraction, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad


Addition means combining together two or more quantities.

It is denoted by "+" symbol.

The numbers which get added are called addendends. The result of the addition is called "sum".


Things to remember:

1. If we add zero to any number the sum will be the number itself.

E.g. 5 + 0 = 5

2. If we add two numbers in any order their sum will always be same. This is known as cumulative property.

5 + 4 = 9 = 4 + 5

3. If we add 3 or more numbers their grouping will not matter. This is known as associative property. We should make groups to make our calculation easier.

7 + (5 + 8) = 20 = (7 + 5) + 8


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