Grade 2, English Olympiad (CBSE) - Word order 

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Grade 2  |   English  |   Word order, Contractions, Word order and Jumbled words, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Word Order:

Word Order means placing the words in such a manner that it provides us with a meaningful sentence.


Q1. Arrange the words to form a correct sentence from below:


        Correct Answer:  She is my best friend.

Q2. Arrange the words to form a correct sentence from below:

         Drink/milk/I/every day.

         Correct Answer:  I drink milk every day.

Q3. Arrange the words to form a correct sentence from below:


         Correct Answer: Stars shines in the night.

Q4. Arrange the words to form a correct sentence from below:


        Correct Answer: My favourite colour is pink.

Q5. Arrange the words to form a correct sentence from below:


        Correct Answer: Our school is near a playground.

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