Grade 4, English Olympiad (CBSE) - Simple Past Tense 

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Grade 4  |   English  |   Simple Past Tense, Simple Tenses, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Simple Past Tense

Tenses tell us about the time of the action with respect to current time. Verb changes its form with tenses.

Three basic tenses:

Present Tense: Present tense is used for anything which is happening at the current moment of time or something which happens regularly.

Past Tense: Past tense is used for an action that has happened before the current moment of time.

Future Tense: Future tense is used for an action that is going to happen later with respect to the current moment of time.

Each basic tense has 4 other subtenses:

  1. Simple
  2. Continuous
  3. Perfect
  4. Perfect Continuous


Past Simple Tense:

Past simple tense is used:

  • To refer to things which happened before the current moment of time.
  • To refer to things which existed before the current moment of time.
  • To refer to a completed action in the past.


I went to school yesterday.

He ate fruits in the breakfast.


Affirmative form

1. Replace normal form of the verb with past form of the verb.


Incorrect: He wents to school.

Correct: He went to school. 

Correct: They went to school. 


 Subject + Past form of verb  (Go)  + remaining sentence

They, I, We, You, Two or more persons e.g. Tom and Tim, 

He, She, It, Single person e.g. Tom

Past form of the verb.


I went to school.

He went to school.


Negative form :

1. Use "did not" and normal form of verb. 


Incorrect: My brother does not go to school yesterday.

Correct: My brother did not go to school yesterday. 



 Subject +Helping verb + Verb  (Go)  + remaining sentence

They, I, We, You, Two or more persons e.g. Tom and Tim,

He, She, It, Single person like Tom

did not

Simple form of the verb.

E.g. I did not go to school yesterday.


 Simple Questions:

1. Bring helping verb (did) in front, keeping the entire sentence same. Use the normal form of the verb.


Incorrect: Did he went to school?

Correct: Did he go to school?  


 Helping Verb +Subject + Verb  (Go)  + remaining sentence

They, I, We, You, Two or more persons e.g. Tom and Tim, 

He, She, It, Single person like Tom

Simple form of the verb.

E.g. Did you like the icecream?

Questions asking information:

1. Sentence will start with question word seeking information like what, when, where, how etc

2. Proceeded by helping verb (did) and then the entire sentence with the normal form of the verb.


Incorrect: When do he went to school?

Correct: When did he go to school?



 Interrogative word + Helping Verb +Subject + Verb  (Go)  + remaining sentence
When, What, How etcDid

He, She, It, Single person like Tom

They, I, We, You, Two or more persons e.g. Tom and Tim

Simple form of the verb.

E.g. When did you go to school yesterday?


Usage of which is slightly different : 

Which + Object + Helping Verb + Rest of the sentence.

Which book did you buy?

Which school did you go to?


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