Grade 3, Science Olympiad (CBSE) - Constellations 

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Olympiad Level 2

Grade 3  |   Science  |   Constellations, Earth and Universe, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad


A constellation is a group of stars. It forms a recognizable pattern.  It can be seen from earth. There are around 88 constellations. Constellations are used for mapping night sky.

Some of the famous constellations are Ursa Major or great bear, Ursa Minor or small bear, great bear, hunter or Orion, Scorpio, Andromeda, Pegasus, Draco and Hercules.

Ursa Major is also known as the great bear.


Orion is known as the hunter.

Polaris is the brightest star of Ursa Minor constellation. It is also known as the north star or pole star.

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