Grade 4, Science Olympiad (CBSE) - Global warming and natural calamities 

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Olympiad Level 2

Grade 4  |   Science  |   Global warming and natural calamities, Our Environment, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Global warming

Global warming is a phenomenon which is causing natural imbalance due to increase in greenhouse gases.
The primary greenhouse gases in Earth's atmosphere are water vapor, carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, and ozone.
This is causing the temperature of the earth to rise. Glaciers are melting and sea level is rising.

Global warming is resulting in climate changes and unpredictable climate conditions like droughts and floods.


Causes of global warming:

A) Smoke emissions from cars and industries

B) Deforestation

C) Burning of fossil fuels


Ways to fight global warming:

A) We should use natural sources of energy like solar energy, wind energy and tidal energy as much as possible.

B) We should plant more trees.

C) We should use geothermal energy.


Natural Calamities

Flood is a common natural calamity. It occurs when an area of land gets submerged into the water due to accumulation of water or heavy inflow of water. The heavy force of flood can carry away anything on the land affected by flood be it anything like humans, animals, vehicles like cars or even trees.



Floods are caused by:

A) Heavy rains

B) Tropical storms and cyclones

C) Tsunami

D) Deforestation

E) High tides

People in flood-prone areas build houses on elevated platform. These houses known as stilt houses.

Flood water exerts high force and strong water current can drag anything so even if you are trained swimmer you should not go in flood water.


Drought is caused by scanty or no rainfall for a long duration.

Frequent droughts can result in famine. We should use rainwater wisely.
In India, we depend on Monsoon rains.
Poor monsoon rains can result in drought. 


Earthquake is a natural calamity. It causes the land to shake. Its intensity is measured in Richter scale. Earthquakes high intensity can cause severe damage. Earthquake around oceans and sea can cause Tsunami.





Tsunamis are large ocean waves caused by shaking of ocean floor due to an underwater earthquake or a volcanic explosion.

Tsunamis are different than tidal waves.
Tidal waves are not as large as tsunamis.
Tidal waves are caused by the gravitation pull of the moon, sun, and planets upon the tides.


Landslide is the movement of a mass of earth or rocks down the slope from a mountain or cliff.

A landslide can occur because of :
1) Heavy rain
2) Flood
3) Earthquake

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Global warming, green house effect and ozone layer
Note : This video is the property of MakeMeGenius. We really appreaciate the hard work and brain put in by the team of MakeMeGenius to bring out this video. We suggest you to visit their channel on youtube for more science videos. They have a huge collection of informative science videos.

Global warming for kids
Note : This video is the property of Smart Learning For All. We really appreaciate the hard work and brain put in by the team of 'Smart Learning For All' to bring out this video. We suggest you to visit their channel on youtube for more science videos. They have a huge collection of informative science and maths videos.

Green house effect for kids
Note : This video is the property of Smart Learning For All. We really appreaciate the hard work and brain put in by the team of 'Smart Learning For All' to bring out this video. We suggest you to visit their channel on youtube for more science videos. They have a huge collection of informative science and maths videos.

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