Grade 5, Science Olympiad (CBSE) - Adaptations in plants 

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Grade 5  |   Science  |   Adaptations in plants, Living, non living things and Plants, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Adaptations in plants

  • Plants on mountains are tall, straight and cone-shaped. Due to cone shape snow does not accumulate on them and slips. They are generally flowerless. They have needle-like leaves. e.g. Pine, Deodar and Fir


  • Cactus leaves are reduced to spines due to adaptation. Spine shaped leaves help cactus to survive in hot conditions. Due needle-shaped leaves loss of water is less. Water is stored in the stem of the plant thus their stem is fleshy. Spines or thorns also protect the plant from desert animals. Photosynthesis is carried out by stems. Their roots grow really deep in search of water.


  • Climbers or creepers are plants with a weak stem. They cannot stand straight and thus grow along other plants, walls or on the ground. They have spiral thread like structures growing out of their stem, branches and petioles called tendrils. A tendril attaches itself or twines around other objects and helps climbers to climb.


  • Plants in marshy or swampy areas have breathing roots. Marshy soil (clayey) is very sticky and there is very less air between the soil particles. Roots of the plants there get very less air inside the soil so they come out. These roots are known as breathing roots e.g. mangrove roots


  • Aquatic plants are the plants which grow in water. E.g. Water hyacinth, water lettuce, lotus and fanwort.
  1. Floating plants: Plants like duckweed and water hyacinth have a spongy body that helps the plant to float in water.
  2. Fixed plants: Have their roots attached to the floor of the water body. Their stem is hollow. Their top emerges from the water. e.g. lotus, water lily
  3. Underwater plants (Submerged): These plants grow inside the water. They breathe the oxygen present in water.


  • Coconut trees do not have branches and their leaves are thin so that coconut trees can survive the high winds of coastal areas.

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Adaptation in plants
Note : This video is the property of MakeMeGenius. We really appreaciate the hard work and brain put in by the team of MakeMeGenius to bring out this video. We suggest you to visit their channel on youtube for more science videos. They have a huge collection of informative science videos.

Note : This video is the property of Smart Learning For All. We really appreaciate the hard work and brain put in by the team of 'Smart Learning For All' to bring out this video. We suggest you to visit their channel on youtube for more science videos. They have a huge collection of informative science and maths videos.

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