Grade 5, Science Olympiad (CBSE) - Special birds 

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Olympiad Level 2

Grade 5  |   Science  |   Special birds, Animals and Birds, Olympiad, CBSE, ICSE, Maths Olympiad, Science Olympiad, English Olympiad

Special types of birds

Hummingbirds are smallest of the birds. They have thin, long, tubular and straw-like beaks that are used for sucking nectar from flowers. Hummingbirds can move backwards. They can flap their wings very fast that’s why they are called hummingbird.

Kiwi, ostrich and penguin are flightless birds. Kiwi is a small bird found in New Zealand. Kiwi camouflage with its surrounding to save itself from predators. Penguins are found in the south pole. 

There is a misconception that bat is a bird. Bat is not a bird but a mammal. It does not lay eggs. It gives birth to young ones.

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